Welcome to Tamralipta Mahavidyalaya Central Library
"My library is the place where I find inspiration, information, and connection with the world - and peace." ― Ruth W. Crock
Total Library Books now stands at 34139 and Journals at 50(Volumes/Issues 967). E-resources include 14 e-journals (subscribed) and 6000 (approx.) accessible through INFLIBNET. Below is given the overview of holdings of the Library:
Subject wise as on 03.03.2007
Sl. No. |
Subject |
No. Of Books |
1 |
Environment |
73 |
2 |
Botany |
673 |
3 |
Zoology |
602 |
4 |
Physiology |
527 |
5 |
Physics |
1367 |
6 |
Chemistry |
1579 |
7 |
Mathematics |
1983 |
8 |
Electronics |
33 |
9 |
Computer science |
165 |
10 |
Bengali (U.G) |
4081 |
11 |
Bengali (P.G.) |
4957 |
12 |
Political Science |
1373 |
13 |
Economics |
1283 |
14 |
Philosophy |
1197 |
15 |
History |
1857 |
16 |
Geography |
394 |
17 |
Physical Education |
164 |
18 |
Biography |
333 |
19 |
Library science |
22 |
20 |
American Literature |
190 |
21 |
Education |
243 |
22 |
B. Ed |
2884 |
23 |
Language |
94 |
24 |
Sanskrit |
1069 |
25 |
H.S. Biology |
256 |
26 |
Reference |
433 |
27 |
Hindi literature |
50 |
28 |
Miscellaneous |
866 |
29 |
English |
3006 |
30 |
Commerce |
1989 |
31 |
Religion |
18 |
32 |
Music |
73 |
33 |
Book Bank |
265 |
* |
Totals Books |
34139 |
List of News Paper
1.Anandabazar Patrika
2.Sanbad Pratidin
4.The Statsment
5.Times of India
List of Local News Paper
1. আজকের গ্রামবাংলা
2. শিল্পবন্দর
3. শিল্পমনন
4. তাম্রলিপ্ত
5. সংবাদ আশার দিশারী
6. প্রেক্ষাপট
List of Journal
2. যোজনা----
3.Economic & Political Weekly
4.The Management Accountant
List of Magazine
1.India Today
2.Reader Digest
3.Science Reporter
5. পেশা প্রবেশ
6. সাফল্য
7. খেলা
8. ভ্রমন
9. সুস্বাস্হ্য
10.Front line
11.Protiyogita Darpan
12.Competition Success Review
13. G.K
Inflibnet N_List
Tamralipta Mahavidyalay Library is a proud member of NLIST, (INFLIBNET [http://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in]) National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content which is part of UGC Infonet Digital Library Consorium to extend e-resources to colleges.
An initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under the NME-ICT now funded by UGC, as college component under UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, it gives us access to over:
6000+ e-journals and
97000+ e-books
An OPAC(Online Public Access Catalogue) of books is being created by using the SOUL software, collected from INFLIBNET(Information and Library Network Centre) an autonomous Inter Library Centre of University Grand Commission. Now more than 80% of total collection has been computerized. At present, the members can search the OPAC of their required documents.